5 Things You Need for Virtual Learning this Fall

Did you get your virtual learning must haves already? My 5 things you need for virtual learning this fall.
Well, I think we all have gone through the 5 stages of grief dealing with the onset of distance learning this coming fall. I sure have! Now is the time to do all the prep work and set up shop for the new way of school kicking off in just 3 weeks (or less depending on where you live)! I’ll be sharing several tips and ideas this week to help us all get prepared for virtual learning this fall and many can be implemented for homeschool too! So whether you decided to do virtual learning or homeschooling, I got you covered friend!

Here are 5 things you need for your virtual learning area this fall! Keep in mind that this list can vary for the grade your child will be starting, but these are just some items to consider as you set up your learning area.
Virtual Learning Must Haves
1A well lit working space. Our kids may have been working at the kitchen table or their bedrooms earlier this year when distance learning was suddenly thrusted upon us. However, now that we have some time to prepare, creating a well lit working space is a must have. Choose a location with very little distractions, good natural light if possible, and a desk or table at the right height for typing/writing to maintain good posture and comfort.

2A working schedule to keep everyone on task. This was one of the things I kept putting off earlier this year, but I am PREPARED this fall. I have even created an epic virtual school parent planner for this year! I’ll be sharing that tomorrow, so stay tuned for that.

3Get the kids blue light eyeglasses. We purchased the kids blue light eyeglasses earlier this year when they were spending more than an hour looking at their ipad screen for school. It helped reduced headaches and eye strains tremendously. Plus, the kids love having glasses! I found great pairs of kids blue light glasses for my kids on Amazon for about $14!
4Coteaching group or teaching Pod for socializing. Whether or not you are going full homeschooling or virtual learning with a teacher, the kids will need some socializing with students their age. Joining a teaching pod or co-teaching group will not only benefit the kids, but also allow you to share and receive ideas from others in your shoes. I have a few mom friends that I’ve contacted to create a social group for my kids.
5Create an inspirational space for learning with art! Whether you have your child create art for his/her space or you print some, having a fun learning space with colorful art is a must. If you are looking for some fun printables for your space, check out all my printable resources for free printable art!

Check back this week for more back to school resources and ideas! In the meantime, check out these past posts to help get ready for back to school this week.