
Decorating With Moroccan Trays: Get The Global Look


Today is the first official post of Get The Global Look series!

Once I was able to finally pin point the style and general feel for our home, my aim has been to search for inspiring looks and decor to help infuse a global, eclectic vibe.  My latest crush has been on Moroccan trays.  These versatile trays are fantastic pieces to have on hand for entertaining, but can also be used for decor.  Moroccan trays are typically used to serve tea,  but can be used for so much more.


When not in use, these Moroccan trays can be used as art pieces or to add a special pizazz leaning on a counter or tabletop.


I’ve been loving the Moroccan tray tables.  They come in so many different sizes, but the impact of these gorgeous tables is evident with any table size.


Probably the most creative use I found was this headboard made of Moroccan trays!  Gorgeousness.


Follow Casa Watkins’s board Get The Global Look on Pinterest.

Are you loving Moroccan trays yet?  Check out these pinned ideas and more on Get The Global Look pinterest board.  Pin from my board or from the original sources.

Thanks for stopping at my casa!

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Love these ideas for using moroccan trays! Now, I need to find some.

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