DIY Beaded Tassel Bookmark
We’re celebrating back to school with Global Style! Create this easy DIY beaded tassel bookmark that doubles as desk decor!
Let the back to school projects……BEGIN! I get just as excited with back to school projects and shopping as I do Christmas shopping. I love the organization projects, nifty book covers, pretty pencil holders and cases, etc. Yes…even as an adult! With Pink headed to college and the two littles heading to a new school, our back to school shopping is consisting of Mommy-do projects. I’m looking for creative ways to get organized and school ready. So, I’m excited to be joining my lovely co-hosts for a back to school themed The Global Styler! Be sure to visit the links at the end of the post for more globally inspired back to school projects! My DIY beaded tassel bookmark is super easy to create, fun to use, and makes for pretty desk decor too!
DIY Beaded Tassel Bookmark
I’ve always believed that a great looking workspace inspires great work. The desk in our family room is always ready for our family to use. The kids and I have been visiting the library at least once a week and they have finally learned about bookmarks. So, I took the opportunity to create a stylish diy bookmark that can double as an accent on our desk.
The process is pretty easy. The only tricky part is making the page marker string long enough to serve as a bookmark and hang over the books. For this project, I used some wood beads I purchased at Joann Fabrics and a beautiful dip dyed tassel from Woman Shops World on Etsy. I loved the dip dyed tassels from my diy global style bead garland so wanted to use another tassel for this project.
Start by measuring your yarn to wrap once around a book. String beads to half the length of your yarn or rope and tie a knot. Attach your tassel to the end of the bead chain. On the opposite side of your string, tie another bead which will act as an anchor or stop. Now you can use the unbeaded side to mark your pages and dangle the beaded tassel side over your book cover. Easy peasy!
This beaded tassel bookmark is a fun project for kids and teens and makes a great gift too! I’m already thinking of Pink’s first college care package contents and I’m seeing this cute tassel bookmark in it. What do you think?
Head on over to my co-hosts’ blogs now to continue the back to school projects!

I love this!! It would look great anywhere. So pretty!
Oh my goodness its so pretty! I think i have goods on hand i can use to recreate these. No more folded book pages for me!
This is so pretty Steph, love the tassel you used and it’s such a pretty texture to add to books in your decor. The ribbon on the lamp is amazing too!