Hola amigos!
I am finally back from vacation and just realized that school will be starting back up next week! This Summer truly went by so fast. So fast that I have some much needed projects that were left undone. I’m not sure if you know that I homeschool my toddlers, tot school, as it’s called. I took a break from school for the Summer and really need to get back into the swing of homeschool. Unfortunately, the big project that I had to do this Summer was to organize our playroom/school room. So, I searched for some inspiring homeschool/playrooms to help prepare for a quick room makeover.
I have been using the sunroom as our school room for a while. Last year, I removed all the toys from our family room and moved them into the sunroom as well. So, now we have a play/school room and it is a mess all the time. I mean ALL OF THE TIME!
I wanted to organize this room and to begin teaching Chi-Chi (2) the proper locations of toys. Nugget (3) is typically really good at putting the toys away when he is asked. However, this summer the playroom was looking like a tornado wreck every single day and I was done with cleaning. I didn’t want to organize, didn’t want to clean it, and surely didn’t want to pick up the toys every day. So, I did what anyone would do…I ignored the room and said I’ll do it later in the Summer.
Knock, Knock! Who’s there? The FALL! Summer is essentially done and now I have to deal with organizing this room in two weeks. I am going to need your support to finish on time!
Here are a few homeschool rooms that I really love. Notice that each of the rooms utilize bookcases.
My first plan of action is to seek out affordable bookcases. Right now is the best time to buy, since a lot of furniture goes on sale for the college students.
Another vital piece of homeschool furniture is a working table. I have used the same little table for homeschooling since Nugget was about 22 months old. Now that he is older, I am thinking that I should update the table for something more structured.
What I definitely need is something to organize my homeschooling papers, binders, and supplies. I had the perfect thing for this task, but unfortunately we gave it away in an attempt to downsize our furniture 3 years ago. Now, I’m left with absolutely nothing to organize my supplies and a need to buy yet another piece of furniture. I love how these wonderful homeschooling moms organized their supplies.
Unfortunately, the first task that must be done is what I consider the worst. I am not looking forward to sifting through all the toys to remove those that are no longer age appropriate. It will not only be a tedious task, but signal the end of Chi-Chi’s baby stage. She will be turning 3 in November and I will no longer have a baby. Tears..tears.
Chi-Chi will be participating in a more structured tot-school this fall. I am interested in seeing how she will adapt to the purposeful play and learning. Nugget was more enthusiastic about school time when he was Chi-Chi’s age. Nonetheless, school will be starting over here at Casa Watkins and I will be sharing our week’s progress as often as I can. It is quite difficult to take pictures during Tot school when you have a toddler with a short attention span. By the time you get your camera ready, she is done with the activity.
Thanks for stopping by my casa!