ARTESANÍA by Casa Watkins Living
How are you holding up at home friends?! So far, we have been holding things down here at Casa Watkins rather well! Granted, we are just a week into social isolation so things may change later on. To combat what I already know will be cabin fever, I decided to create a new limited series called ARTESANÍA by Casa Watkins Living.

ARTESANÍA is the Spanish word for crafts or craftsmanship and perfectly summarizes what I’d like to share with you all. Us creativeholics need stimulation. We crave doing crafts with our hands, decorating our homes, organizing areas, etc. ARTESANÍA will provide you with easy to do things around the house that will keep our creativity flowing!
Ideas to do while stuck at home!
Each week, those who enroll will receive an email that includes 5 days of home projects that can be accomplished using items already found in your home. No need to head outdoors! You’ll get tasks like decorating shelves, cleaning out that area under the sink, organizing the pantry, along with art and crafts projects using things you already have.
PLUS, I’ll be sharing video contact on my Instagram IGTV that coordinates with the email! Throughout the week, I’ll share videos of the weekly ideas and correspond with you via Instagram. If you are not following me on Instagram, do so by clicking here and we can stay in contact there too!

I’m so excited to keep in contact with you all during this hectic time in our world. Remember that social isolation doesn’t mean social distancing. Now, more than ever, do we need to appreciate the benefits of social media and connectivity!
How do I enroll in ARTESANÍA?

I hope you join me on this new adventure and signup for ARTESANÍA today! Stay safe and healthy friends!