17 DIY Pineapple Crafts for Kids and Teens
Don’t leave the kids out of pineapple week! Check out these 17 DIY pineapple crafts for kids and teens!
I have been having a blast with these pineapple themed posts this week. Whenever my kids see me creating a project for the house or taking pictures of a room, they want to be a part of it. I love that my kids have a creative trait. If your kids are the same, then today’s post is great for you. I’m sharing 17 DIY pineapple crafts for kids and teens! These projects are super fun and simple enough for kids to make. Depending on the age of your children, you may need to lend a hand.
I started crafting projects pretty young. Luckily my mom is one crafty woman, because she always had fun projects for us to make. I’m sure it was much more difficult to think of project ideas before the time of the internet. Now, you can just type in “DIY kids crafts” and a slew of projects will pop up. I’m happy to round up these great diy kids projects for you today. Try to carve out some time this weekend or next week to do an all out pineapple day with the family. These projects spread throughout the day will keep the kids busy this summer. Take pineapple day one step further by serving up some pineapple meals too! Check out the recipes I rounded up for meal ideas as well as the other pineapple theme posts!
**Check out Day 1 (Pineapple wine charms and more projects), Day 2 (Amazing pineapple recipes), Day 3 (DIY pineapple candles)**
*Please pin these ideas from their source to give credit to these fabulous crafters. 🙂
Pineapple Crafts for Kids