Pink and Orange Girl’s Room NYNR Update
It’s week 5 of the New Year New Room Refresh challenge and typically we would be sharing our reveals this week. However, we were all in some way affected by the shipping delays throughout the country so some of us are still waiting on some items. But don’t fret! We do have some fantastic rooms being shared today and the rest of us will be sharing our rooms next week. DOUBLE FEATURE DAY!
Be sure to check out the amazing rooms and progress shared by visiting all the links below. As far as Chi-Chi’s room, I’ll be sharing her room reveal next week. I unfortunately wasn’t able to finish myself as I was waiting on Chi-Chi’s bed linens. I can’t wait to share the full room all set. Stay tuned and check out all the other progress from my friends below!

Casa Watkins Living // Delineate Your Dwelling // Domicile 37 // House by Hoff // Iris Nacole // JZ Holmes // Live Pretty On A Penny // Love Your Abode // My Eclectic Nest // Our Fifth House // This Is Our Bliss // Up To Date Interiors