#OperationSurprise and how you can help gift $25,000 in home repairs to a Veteran!
I’m honored to partner with the Home Depot Foundation for this opportunity. I have been compensated for this post, but my thoughts about this amazing award is 100% my own. #ad #operationsurprise #homedepotpartner
One of the greatest joys about having a website is spreading good news. I love sharing great opportunities and exciting ways to show people you care. Today, I’m partnering with The Home Depot Foundation to spread the word about #OperationSurprise!
What is #OperationSurprise
#OperationSurprise is a contest hosted by The Home Depot Foundation that will surprise a deserving Veteran with an award of $25,000 in home repairs! Anyone can nominate a special Veteran in their life for this surprise award. The Home Depot is on an incredible mission to make a difference, so don’t keep this amazing opportunity a secret!

What does The Home Depot Foundation do?
- The Home Depot Foundation works to improve the homes and lives of U.S. veterans, train skilled tradespeople to fill the labor gap and support communities impacted by natural disasters.
- Since 2011, the Foundation has invested more than $315 million in veteran causes and improved more than 45,000 veteran homes and facilities in 4,300 cities. In 2018, the Foundation pledged an additional $250 million to veteran causes taking the total commitment to half a billion by 2025.
- Thousands of Home Depot store associates spend their time off volunteering their talents as members of Team Depot in communities across the country.
- Giving back to veterans is personal to The Home Depot since more than 35,000 of our associates are veterans or active duty military.

There are more than 37,000 homeless veterans on any given night, more than 9 million senior veterans, more than 4 million veterans with a service-connected disability and more than 2,000 with post-9/11 amputations.
Since veterans are such a big part of The Home Depot’s company culture, they understand the importance of honoring and serving those who have served us all. I can definitely support a cause like that, right?!
How can you nominate a Veteran?
Visit The Home Depot Foundation website for all the details and criteria for the nomination. How wonderful to have The Home Depot want to salute the service of our veterans in defending our freedoms by surprising them with life-changing moments and memories!
Get in on this incredible act of service by nominating a special Veteran in your life today! You only have until Veteran’s day (November 11th) to nominate someone! The work will be completed by December 31st, 2020.
Who am I nominating??
I’ll be nominating my father, who not only served for over 20 years in the military but also still continues to contribute to the military in other capacities. My father, Pedro, is an immigrant from the Dominican Republic who became a US citizen and enlisted into the military at a young age.

He served in Desert Storm and other impactful military events that took him away from home. Yet, he still made time for his family. Family is everything to him and that’s exactly where I get my own family values.

I can still remember how excited I would be to see him come home after being away for weeks or months! You know those viral videos of kids seeing their military parent coming home. The ones where the kids run and jump into the arms of their mother or father that has been away for so long. Man! Those get me every time! I cry so much seeing those videos, because I can feel the overwhelming joy of seeing their mom or dad return.

My 63 year old father has dedicated his entire life to service to our country. In between work and being Abuelo to his grandchildren, he still manages to find time to do home projects. Now, I never said he was good at it! HAHA! Sorry Dad! Giving him the chance to have The Home Depot award $25,000 in home repairs would be AMAZING!

I’m honored to be partnering with The Home Depot to share this beautiful act of service and to nominate my Dad of the award. Who are you going to nominate?