How To Repair Peeling Drywall in the Bathroom
Is the drywall above the shower peeling? You can easily repair peeling drywall in the bathroom or any room with these steps!

One day, I noticed that the drywall above our shower was peeling. Is this happening in your bathroom? Well, I shrugged it off and thought that it would be fixed one day when we hire a contractor to complete the bathroom renovation. As you probably have seen, I decided to take on our small boho bathroom renovation myself so I had to learn how to repair drywall myself too. It was much easier than I thought!

Poorly ventilated bathrooms and/or taking steamy showers without turning on the fan in my case causes the drywall to peel away. It’s actually a serious issue since this can lead to moisture building up in the drywall and mold. Good news is that you don’t have to hire out this easy drywall repair! Here are the steps to repair peeling drywall in the bathroom or any area yourself!

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Materials Needed to Repair Peeling Drywall
- 6″ Drywall taping knife or Paint scraper for small areas and 12″ drywall taping knife for larger areas
- Drop cloth
- Painter’s tape
- Sealing Primer ( I used Zinzer mold blocking primer spray )
- Drywall joint compound (similar drywall joint compound from Home Depot)
- Drywall mud tray
- Measuring cup
- Water
How to Fix Peeling Drywall
1You’ll need to start your drywall repair by removing the peeling drywall using the drywall taping knife or paint scraper. Use a drop cloth to cover the shower and collect the drywall flakes. Painter’s tape can be used to cover your shower head and surrounding tile. I was planning to paint the shower tile, so I didn’t cover anything at the time.

2Gently flake away the peeling drywall and don’t worry if the area becomes larger. The drywall may have trapped areas of moisture surrounding the visible peeling and flaking away the damage may increase the area needing repair. Just don’t force or pull away any of the drywall. You’ll want the edges of the damaged area to have a flat, smooth edge before we start the repair.

3Spray or paint on your sealing primer. You’ll want to cover the entire damaged area and at least 1 inches over the edge of the tear. This will help prevent moisture building up after the repair. The primer is strong, so be sure you have the fan on and/or bathroom window open.

4Prepare your drywall joint compound per package instructions it should be a cake batter consistency. I used Proform 5 minute set that is also mold resistant. Though it takes less than an hour to fully dry, I still let it dry for over an hour since I was planning to paint the wall the same day.

5Apply a thin coat or skim of the drywall compound over the primed drywall area (at least 1 inch from the edge of the damaged area) using the drywall taping knife. Scoop the compound onto the knife and lay it flat on the wall. Then, pull the knife downward at a 45 degree angle to spread the compound.
You want a coat that is thick enough that it will cover the edges of the damaged spot after it has been sanded down. So, don’t put a layer on too thin or you’ll have to apply another coat of the drywall compound. Continue to apply the compound to the wall until the damaged area is covered. Then, clean your tools immediately before the compound dries hard. Believe me, you’ll thank me if you do. Let the compound dry at least one hour.

6Sand the repaired drywall area with drywall sanding block (medium grit) and wipe away the dust with a cloth. Don’t sand too much or you’ll reveal the edges of the damaged area. You want to create a smooth area without any transitions that is ready to paint.
7Inspect the repaired area. If there are any edges showing through or areas where it was sanded too much, you’ll need to apply another coat of the compound and sand before painting the wall. Once ready, paint your wall and you’re all done!

It may seem complicated, but it’s very easy to fix your own peeling drywall. I hope that I’ve motivated you to complete these easy home repairs yourself, because if this un-handy mom can do it…… you sure can too! Don’t forget to pin this post and save it for when you need it.