How to make wallpaper borders from peel and stick wallpaper
Wallpaper borders are back! Okay, not entirely but the return of the wallpaper borders will soon be upon us. Where will you stand when that happens? How do you feel about wallpaper borders from peel and stick wallpaper?
I’m definitely team wallpaper borders if its done in a modern and stylishly funky way. The emmm ahem traditional granny wallpaper is not going to be coming back any time soon. Though, I have seen some granny wallpaper given a modern twist that looked incredible! But the new, modern wallpaper borders are much more artful and bold than they used to be. You can definitely add a wallpaper border to your home now without it looking dated.
With Spoonflower’s over a million designs, the possibilities for wallpaper border designs are endless and there are so many ways to create decorative accents using peel and stick wallpaper. I teamed up with Spoonflower recently to experiment how to make wallpaper borders from peel and stick wallpaper and I absolutely loved the results. Remember you can get a discount when using my code when you order! Use CASAWATKINS20 to receive your 20% discount!

It was very easy to transform Spoonflower wallpaper into a stylish border for my son’s closet. The entire tutorial can be found on the Spoonflower blog today! Be sure to check out all the possibilities using wallpaper panels as borders, but I warn you that it is very addicting once you start.
I actually had finished installing the wallpaper border to the closet when I found myself wanting to continue and apply it to the bottom part of the wall too! This was definitely the wow factor that was needed in my son’s room. He has a very colorful room and his closet fits right in with the rest of the color palette now.

A bonus to working with smaller strips of wallpaper is that you can also use them in other creative ways. I shared two other ways I used wallpaper in my daughter’s room within the Spoonflower blog article too. You’ll never guess what area I added wallpaper! I was shocked and amazed this project turned out so great. I won’t give out the details to that, so you’ll need to head over to Spoonflower blog to read how to create decorative accents with peel and stick wallpaper. Be sure to come back and let me know what you think!