How I Got Rid Of Flashcard Clutter
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Hola amigos!
This week is all about school preparedness. Tot-school begins next week and there is so much to do beforehand. Organizing our homeschool/playroom is a huge priority this week. On Monday, I scowered the plastic bins section at Target searching for cost effective organizing solutions. I found a great photo storage box and used it to get rid of the flashcard clutter in our classroom.
I originally had all the flashcards stored in a colorful bin from the dollar section at Target. It’s a great bin, but it didn’t help sort the sets of flashcards. Nugget and Chi-Chi ended up just throwing the cards in the bin or, more often, tossing them all over the room.
The photo storage box was about $9.00, which isn’t a bad price for a total of 7 plastic containers. I love the individual containers that are included. It’s a great way to sort out the different flashcards and the clear plastic allows you to see what cards are included.
You can get a similar box through Amazon for about the same cost here!
The front of the flashcard box was used to label the front of the storage container. I also used the side of the flashcard box to label the top of the storage container. Now, it is easy to locate specific flashcard containers.
Aren’t these boxes the perfect size for flashcards? I love having every item sorted and neatly organized.
Now, all I need is a pretty label for the outer storage container. My goal this year is to maintain our home organized and to minimize the clutter. I’m not certain that I can eliminate clutter altogether, but I definitely can make the casa much more organized.
Thanks for stopping by my casa!
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