Decorating with the Evil Eye: Get The Global Look
Get the global look in your home with these ideas for decorating with the evil eye. Global style ideas for evil eye decor to ward off negative energy.
The other day I was browsing the new items at World Market and came across this set of ceramic evil eyes. The hand painted blue and white ceramic pieces were absolutely gorgeous. As I placed the evil eye ceramics into my shopping cart, I began thinking just how much of a negative connotation the evil eye has and that many people probably don’t know that these are actually for good energy.
The evil eye for good energy you say?

Yes and absolutely! Across several cultures, there is a belief that a wicked force called the evil eye will cause harm and ill to those effected by this negative energy. To protect oneself from the evil eye, several cultural and religious groups create talismans, wall adornments, stones, jewelry, and other artifacts for good luck and safety. The bulk of evil eye artifacts show an opened eye and are adorned with shades of blue. Though some may be black or red, most of these evil eye pieces are blue. Items like the Hamsa hand, also known as the Hand of God, popular in bohemian decor may incorporate an evil eye in a variety of colors in the center of the palm. The Hamsa hand is also said to protect you from the evil eye and negative energy.

Decorating With The Evil Eye
You can find the evil eye figure in Greek jewelry, Turkish talismans, at the center of Jewish and Middle Eastern Hamsa hand wall decor, and incorporated into Latin American amulets. I even had an evil eye amulet bracelet as a baby to ward off Mal de Ojo, Spanish for the evil eye. Whether you believe in the evil eye’s protective power or not, decorating with the evil eye is growing in popularly.

Many bohemian and global style homes incorporate these evil eye protections to bring good luck and prosperity into the home. Here are goodies you can shop to get the global look and start decorating with the evil eye. May it protect your home from negative energy and bring good luck!
Evil Eye Decor
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