7 Hearty Winter Soups From Around The Globe
Prep for dinner easy with these 7 hearty winter soups from around the globe you’ll want to make immediately!
Most of my childhood memories about winter revolves around the tasty soups and stews my mother cooked. I love a good soup for dinner, especially during those cold winter nights. School was cancelled today and all 3 of my kids along with the hubs are stuck indoors waiting for the big snow storm. It’s going to be a big one….apparently. I always find that the times the snow storms are expected to be bad, they’re not. Those times when the snow is downplayed tend to be snowmaggedon! Winter in Maryland means we can get snow any day all the way up to March. I love snow, but I’ve had enough of it when March comes. I’m tackling these harsh winter nights with amazing winter soups. I may be the only one partaking since neither the hubs or the kids are big soup eaters. I don’t mind at all though. More for me!
Here are 7 hearty winter soups from around the globe you’ll want to make these cold, snowy days.
Hearty Winter Soups